Kyla's Photo Story
I took my mom's sweater for texture because it's so warm and cozy and I wanted to feel that even through the computer.
A leaf because of the green hues and the fact that it is a pumpkin (which is the coolest thing out there) is pretty cool
My sister's jacket (even though we don't like each other) got muddy so I took a picture to represent our relationship, even though it's muddy there's still an angry red underneath.
It was a small plant on a pumpkin and I thought it was the cutest thing ever!
The dirt reminded me of not really caring how dirty I got, because dirt is life!
A pumpkin stem to see how prickly it is and how hard to pick up it is when your not expecting it
An actual pumpkin to see the orange in it and that those stores are missing the point of pumpkin picking!