Kyla's Photo Story
This is a ring that someone made for me as a promise to stay best friends forever
The ring that someone gave me as a promise (right) and the ring that my mother gave me (left)
My mom gave me a ring that says "I am who I am" and I think that it describes me rather well
My grad hoodie from grade seven that still fits me (kind of) and I love it with all my heart
Part of my good luck charm. Every time I wear my charm good things happen to me and I keep adding to it because I hope it adds luck. It's got rings, bells, some mood necklace shapes, a key ring, a bead (it's on the key ring), a copper circlet, and the large charm.
My Faith necklace to show my faith in the Ultimate Author (not God) who writes out our stories. Also my faith in my immediate family and my family of friends. Also my faith in the Fandoms out there (I am a Fandomist).